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Робби и НЛО
dreamerДата: Пятница, 13.02.2009, 18:55 | Сообщение # 26
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Сейчас НЛО и призраков доизучает и возьмётся за изучение суперспособностей. smile The truth is in here... somewhere ©
PoohДата: Пятница, 13.02.2009, 18:58 | Сообщение # 27
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Quote (dreamer)
Сейчас НЛО и призраков доизучает и возьмётся за изучение суперспособностей

Например? Телекинез? wink

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
dreamerДата: Пятница, 13.02.2009, 18:59 | Сообщение # 28
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Pooh, а то! Будет спичку в стакане воды вращать силой мысли. ))
PoohДата: Пятница, 13.02.2009, 19:01 | Сообщение # 29
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Quote (dreamer)
Будет спичку в стакане воды вращать силой мысли. )

happy А может будет в пространстве перемещаться или леветировать? smile

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
dreamerДата: Пятница, 13.02.2009, 19:02 | Сообщение # 30
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Pooh, пускай телепортируется к нам сюда с эксклюзивным концертом тогда, а то левитировать до нас далековато. wink
PoohДата: Пятница, 13.02.2009, 19:04 | Сообщение # 31
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Quote (dreamer)
Pooh, пускай телепортируется к нам сюда с эксклюзивным концертом тогда

Точно-Точно))) А то одного маловато концерта biggrin

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Суббота, 14.02.2009, 20:53 | Сообщение # 32
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ВОт в имение Роба прилетели инопланетяне) happy
Hosted on Fotki
Hosted on Fotki
Hosted on Fotki
Hosted on Fotki
Hosted on Fotki
Hosted on Fotki
Hosted on Fotki
Ещё фоты тут http://public.fotki.com/taketha....and-ufo

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
AnkaДата: Суббота, 14.02.2009, 21:58 | Сообщение # 33
I am what I am
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Pooh, Это фэны к нему присоседились? Или это новая маскировка Роба? А то велике его все узнали. biggrin

Рано или поздно, так или иначе.
RinaДата: Суббота, 14.02.2009, 22:01 | Сообщение # 34
Cold hands warm heart
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Quote (Pooh)
ВОт в имение Роба прилетели инопланетяне)

Жееесть happy happy happy
А то! не нам одним интересно взглянуть на робовский домик))
PoohДата: Суббота, 14.02.2009, 23:25 | Сообщение # 35
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Quote (Anka)
Это фэны к нему присоседились?

Да) Инопланетные поклонники happy

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Среда, 15.04.2009, 22:51 | Сообщение # 36
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Робби Уильямс предпочитает любимой гуманоидов
15.04.09 10.30

Страсть певца к потусторонним мирам не идет на пользу его личной жизни. Во всяком случае, официальная подруга Робби Уильямса Аида Филд уже устала делить бойфренда с телескопом и компьютером. Им он уделяет гораздо больше времени, чем девушке. Интерес к внеземным цивилизациям у Робби заглушает либидо.

Чтобы хоть как-то отвлечь любимого от маниакального хобби, Аида хотела перевезти Уильямса из унылого особняка в Англии в более оживленный Лос-Анджелес, где они жили до этого. Однако Филд, видно, подзабыла, что там ради возможной встречи с инопланетянами экстравагантный Робби вообще уходил в леса и спал в палатке.

Аида уже не первый раз ставит ультиматумы Робби – либо она, либо зеленые человечки. Но, судя по поведению артиста, он скорее расстанется с очередной подружкой, нежели пропустит сошествие инопланетян, которые, как сказали Робби, частенько появляются в тех местах, где Робби специально купил особняк за 7 миллионов долларов.

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
S1M0NEДата: Среда, 15.04.2009, 23:17 | Сообщение # 37
Леди Шайн
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Quote (Pooh)
Интерес к внеземным цивилизациям у Робби заглушает либидо.

happy happy
Quote (Pooh)
Но, судя по поведению артиста, он скорее расстанется с очередной подружкой, нежели пропустит сошествие инопланетян, которые, как сказали Робби, частенько появляются в тех местах, где Робби специально купил особняк за 7 миллионов долларов.

похоже Робби давно нашел себе невесту оттуда wink

I believe in the boogie!
AsyaДата: Среда, 15.04.2009, 23:31 | Сообщение # 38
Everything Changes
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Quote (S1M0NE)
похоже Робби давно нашел себе невесту оттуда

S1M0NE, да, зелененькую такую с огромной головой smile smile smile
S1M0NEДата: Среда, 15.04.2009, 23:34 | Сообщение # 39
Леди Шайн
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Quote (Asya)
S1M0NE, да, зелененькую такую с огромной головой

happy и с раскосыми глазами happy

I believe in the boogie!
AsyaДата: Среда, 15.04.2009, 23:38 | Сообщение # 40
Everything Changes
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Quote (S1M0NE)
и с раскосыми глазами

S1M0NE, земные девушки в пролете biggrin
Хотя особо изобретательным можно и грим наложить и костюмчик прикупить eye
S1M0NEДата: Среда, 15.04.2009, 23:41 | Сообщение # 41
Леди Шайн
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Quote (Asya)
Хотя особо изобретательным можно и грим наложить и костюмчик прикупить

ну я смотрю они так и сделали wink happy
только трабл в том что Роб за версту своих чует, я имею ввиду инопланетян, он же сам оттуда... это конечно не подтверждено, но я думаю это вполне так, не даром он все на небо смотрит, ждет когда его свои заберут домой, хе, прямо как Дугласа Адамса happy

I believe in the boogie!
PoohДата: Четверг, 14.05.2009, 21:45 | Сообщение # 42
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ВОт тут народ прикололся над увлечением Робби НЛО) happy

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Четверг, 16.07.2009, 22:27 | Сообщение # 43
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Охотники за НЛО biggrin
Hosted on Fotki

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Среда, 26.08.2009, 21:38 | Сообщение # 44
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Basshunter wants Williams aliens meet-up
Basshunter has revealed that he wants to meet up with Robbie Williams to discuss their shared passion for aliens.

The Swedish dance musician, real name Jonas Altberg, admitted that he is a huge fan of the former Take That star and offered to take him on an alien-spying trip.

"The only reason that Robbie Williams may talk to me is that we are both fans of aliens," he told DS. "I'm a science fiction geek and freak. If there's anything containing a space ship, even if the budget for the movie is £5, I will watch it.

"I'm not usually out in the middle of the night looking for alien spacecrafts, but if I had time for it, I would probably go to Mexico or another good party location where I could secretly spy on alien space craft."

Williams has presented a documentary on Radio 4 about his passion for UFOs and there have been numerous tabloid stories about his interest in extra-terrestrial life forms.

Altberg added: "If you speak to Robbie, tell him from me, 'Hey Robbie, I know where to go! I know the place!' I was abducted when I was three years old and know everything about it. I even have two friends from Mars, they are two single cell organisms called Blob and Gary."

Basshunter returns with his new single 'Every Morning' on September 21. His follow-up to 2008's Now You're Gone LP follows one week later.

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Пятница, 25.09.2009, 21:30 | Сообщение # 45
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Айда с Робби гонялись за НЛО happy Правда как я поняла не поймали но повеселились smile
Robbie Williams has been taking his girlfriend Ayda Field on late-night alien-spotting trips, it has emerged.

London, September 21 : Robbie Williams has been taking his girlfriend Ayda Field on late-night alien-spotting trips, it has emerged.

The singer has reportedly been visiting places around the Wiltshire countryside, near his new home in Compton Bassett, which has a history of extra-terrestrial activity.

He has apparently made more than one trip to Cradle Hill near Warminster, a popular sky-watching spot apart from Silbury Hill, where several spaceship sightings have been reported over the years.

"During the summer Rob and Ayda went on loads of late-night excursions. Cradle Hill used to be a really famous spot in the Sixties and Seventies where UFO hunters would gather en masse and scan the skies for signs of alien life," the Sun quoted the singer's pal as saying.

The 'Lazy Days' hitmaker's partner seems to enjoy the odd trips as much as he.

"It's undergone a bit of a revival recently so Rob has taken Ayda up there to see if they can spot anything. Ayda loves it. She enjoys spending time with Rob no matter what they do," the insider said.

"It's undergone a bit of a revival recently so Rob has taken Ayda up there to see if they can spot anything.

"Ayda loves it. She enjoys spending time with Rob no matter what they do," the insider added.

In 2008, almost 450 UFO sightings were reported from Compton Bassett, making Wiltshire the UK's UFO hotspot.

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Воскресенье, 27.09.2009, 23:09 | Сообщение # 46
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В очередной раз упоминаеться не безизвестная история про НЛО. Когда в студию Бо влетело и вылетело НЛО! smile
Singer Robbie Williams is an extra-terrestrial fanatic and claims to have had no less than three encounters with alien life.

Robbie, 35, first saw a "square thing" pass 300 ft above his head as he was sunbathing in California. The second occurred as he played a song he wrote about alien contact.

Robbie also claims he saw a "big strip of black light" appear when he was in a recording studio.

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Четверг, 24.12.2009, 22:19 | Сообщение # 47
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Robbie Williams regrets opening up about alien fascination

Robbie Williams wishes he had kept quiet about his love for aliens-because now the media constantly asks him about his unusual hobby.

The 35-year-old became a recluse in the mid 2000s, abandoning Britain and his career to chase a lifelong interest in the paranormal in the U.S.

However, the Angels hitmaker regrets opening up about his fascination with extraterrestrials, as he’s always bombarded with questions about them.

“It’s my own fault but it (the most annoying question) has to be anything to do with aliens and UFOs. It’s not the question but it’s the intent the person asking it always has,” the Daily Express quoted him as saying.

“You can see in their eyes – they look at you like, ‘Have you gone mad or not?’. You feel as though you have to explain yourself and your level of sanity,” he added. (ANI)

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Воскресенье, 03.01.2010, 00:40 | Сообщение # 48
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Pop icon to chase Outback aliens


January 3rd, 2010
Click here to find out more!

A TINY Territory town is abuzz with rumours that British pop star Robbie Williams is its newest resident.

Williams is believed to have bought a property near Daly Waters, about 600km south of Darwin. The Northern Territory News revealed in November the pop icon and partner, US actor Ayda Field, were on the lookout for an NT property so Williams could pursue his passion for UFO spotting.

"I'm thinking of coming down there. I have been looking for places out in the Outback, maybe a farm," Williams said at the time.

He also revealed Field had a "premonition" she would end up in Australia. A Sydney newspaper reported this week that Williams may have purchased a station near Daly Waters.

"Having talked publicly of buying property in Australia during his recent visit, a rumour emanating from the NT has it that Williams has purchased a station at Daly Waters, 200km from Katherine," the Daily Telegraph reported. "The singing star already has a home in LA and an apartment in London, so why not an Outback escape in Australia."

The news has had the phone ringing off the hook at the famous Daly Waters Pub.

But the bar staff were unable to confirm Williams' rumoured purchase last night.

"We've heard about this one, but as far as I'm aware, we've got no idea if it's true," one barman said.

Top End UFO spotter Alan Ferguson said Daly Waters would make an ideal base for Williams to pursue his much publicised fascination with extra-terrestrial life.

"He's going to have to come and chase aliens with me," he said. "He's in the right area. If he wants to go hunting he'd better call Al."

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Четверг, 25.02.2010, 08:14 | Сообщение # 49
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ROBBIE Williams is known for his love of aliens, now he's freaked out fellow first class plane passengers at 39,000 feet.

'sdThe pop star posted a picture of himself on his official blog dressed in the rather bizarre pink all-in-one as he flew to LA.

The superstar was flying home after winning his Outstanding Contribution to Music award from the BRIT Awards.

Williams posted the pic as part of a thank you message to all his fans for their continued support over a career that has spanned 20 years and seen some heady highs but some equally unhappy lows. Read more here

It followed Kasabian frontman Tom Meigha's tribute to the alien-loving star.

Meigha said Williams' deserved to win the accolade because of his interest in life on other planets, as well as the way he dealt with his much-publicised drink and drug addictions.

Tom – whose group scooped the Best British Band award at the London ceremony - said: “Robbie deserves it. He deserves everything he gets. He’s been in the game a while and he’s lost his brain and come back again all of a sudden, so it’s good. I admire him because he believes in UFOs - I think that’s incredible.”

Tom also admitted to having his own interest in aliens, but insists he would never go out looking for other-worldly beings himself.

He added to BANG Showbiz: “The only thing I definitely believe in is E.T., because I’ve got one that lives in my house, a movie replica. There might be something out there, but I’m not going to go around Roswell and hang around there for a while, smoking dope and looking at the stars ‘Close Encounters’ style. “

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
PoohДата: Пятница, 16.04.2010, 08:11 | Сообщение # 50
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The singer, on the comeback trail with his new single Secret Love, said: "I'm still really interested in aliens.

"Myself, Danny Dyer and Robbie Williams should get together and form a singing UFO cult. Danny could play the tambourine.The blue people in Avatar are so lovely. I'd love to date one."

09-11-2003 RW in Moscow 22-07-2011 RW & TT in Hamburg 25-07-2011 RW & TT in Dusseldorf 11-08-2013 RW in Stuttgart 20-08-2013 RW in Tallinn 15-05-14 RW in Stokholm 18-05-14 RW in Helsinki
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