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Главная » Статьи » Take That (с 2006)

Take That stars in US customs shock
TAKE THAT stars HOWARD DONALD and MARK OWEN were furious after being held for hours in US customs to be quizzed about their visas.

Chart-toppers Howard, 42, and Mark, 39, flew into Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon as they went to visit pal ROBBIE WILLIAMS at his Hollywood home.

But the singers, who flew there Upper Class on Virgin Atlantic, were pulled in for questioning because they had travelled without a working visa - and had to convince airport officials they were not there to work.

Howard drew attention to the pair by accidentally trying to jump the queue for immigration.

A source said: "He thought someone called 'first class' as they approached security. The customs officer actually said 'Air France'."

The pair were eventually let in and the source added: "The lads are often on the LA flight but this visit was exceptionally bad.

"Howard was on the receiving end of the worst of it. They thought he was pulling a fast one, coming in the US to work.

"It was a fraught few hours. Howard was knackered and could have done without the hassle. Mark got through unscathed but it started the trip in the wrong mood."

Bandmates GARY BARLOW and JASON ORANGE, both 40, were not on the trip.

Источник: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/3455037/Take-That-stars-in-US-customs-shock.html

Категория: Take That (с 2006) | Добавил: Pooh (09.03.2011)
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