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Главная » Статьи » Take That (с 2006)

Take That tell Robbie: We want you Back For Good
TAKE THAT have dropped their biggest hint yet that ROBBIE WILLIAMS will stick with the band.

When Robbie rejoined the chart-topping group after 15 years they only ever planned to release one album and go on a final tour.

But GARY BARLOW, MARK OWEN, JASON ORANGE, and HOWARD DONALD have reignited hopes that he will stay with them after revealing they are writing more songs together for future albums.

Gary, 40, said: "We really want that and this is our dream come true. At the beginning we all said it was going to last for one album, but we're starting to write again, so we don't know now."

Robbie, 37, is still planning to release solo material alongside his band commitments once the record-breaking Progress tour is completed.

Take That fans had feared his recent discussions with Universal over a new solo deal could spell the end for them as a five-piece.

It followed Gary's comments earlier this year that he still saw the Back For Good singers as a four-piece. He said: "Robbie is still desperate to be a solo artist and we can very much exist as a four."

But the group reckon they are now closer than ever. In an interview in the US, Mark, 39, said: "We are a team - at the moment Take That is five people, but it feels more than that. There's a lot of people who have a relationship with us.

"At the beginning there was a fragility to the whole thing, but that has gone now."


Robbie left in acrimonious circumstances back in 1995.

When the group reformed in 2006, it seemed unlikely he would ever return. The band have admitted that it took a lot of effort from all sides to bring him back last year.

Robbie now claims he no longer argues with the others.

He said: "We are a cohesive unit. Hopefully there'll be another album with the five of us, but we don't know if it'll be the next one."

Источник: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/3496188/Take-That-tell-Robbie-We-want-you-Back-For-Good.html

Категория: Take That (с 2006) | Добавил: Pooh (29.03.2011)
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