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Take That (1991-1996) [7]
Информация от Take That c основания группы в 1991 до ее распада в 1996 году
Jason Orange [3]
Все о Джейсоне Оранже
Take That (с 2006) [28]
Информация о группе Take That после их воссоединения в 2006 году
Robbie Williams [23]
Все о Робби Уильямсе
Gary Barlow [8]
Все о Гари Барлоу
Mark Owen [3]
Все о Марке Оуэне
Howard Donald [3]
Все о Ховарде Дональде

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Главная » Статьи » Take That (с 2006)

Take That's anti-ageing products
Take That have started using anti-ageing products from +Rehab London in a bid to hold onto their youthful looks. The band - made up of Gary Barlow, Robbie Williams, Mark Owen, Jason Orange and Howard Donald - used to be famed for their riders of alcohol, junk food and cigarettes but as they are now all either approaching or in their 40s, they are keen to live a healthier lifestyle. So the 'Kids' hitmakers now favour still water, hummus and carrot batons and after Robbie discovered male grooming range +Rehab London in their VIP area at the recent BRIT Awards he brought the rest of the group down for shaves and massages and all of them left with armfuls of goodie bags. According to a press release given to BANG Showbiz, the band's management have contacted the brand to make sure their skin stays in top condition. Take That are not the only male stars to take pride in their appearance. Soccer star David Beckham is well known for his personal grooming as is Matthew McConaughey and Orlando Bloom.

Источник: http://news.ph.msn.com/lifestyle/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4704633
Категория: Take That (с 2006) | Добавил: Pooh (11.03.2011)
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