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Главная » Статьи » Robbie Williams

DANCING On Ice champion Sam Attwater is hoping to become the next Robbie Williams.

Sam Attwater plans to launch a pop career off the back of the celebrity skating show.

But if Sam’s music career gets put on ice, he has a back-up plan of heading to Hollywood to try to become a movie star.

Sam, 25, said: “I’d love to get a record contract and explore the pop charts.

“I have my EP out now on iTunes which is just from my website at the moment.

“But it would be a dream to release an album on a big record label.

“I’d obviously love to be as big as Robbie Williams one day. He’s huge.

“I also want to do movies, musicals, sing. I know it sounds greedy but I want to do as much as possible – and go to Hollywood.”

Источник: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/186537/Sam-At****er-has-a-pop-at-Robbie-Williams/

Категория: Robbie Williams | Добавил: Pooh (17.04.2011)
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