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Take That (1991-1996) [7]
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Robbie Williams [23]
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Gary Barlow [8]
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Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow in diet wager
ROBBIE WILLIAMS and GARY BARLOW are at war again – over who can lose the most timber.

The TAKE THAT pair have a four-figure bet riding on who shifts most spare tyres before the band's European tour Progress kicks off in May.

Both are unhappy about piling on the beef and have started a strict diet to get match fit.

But Robbie's target weight sounds a bit extreme – he's using CHRISTIAN BALE's skinny character in The Machinist as his motivation.

Robbie said: "Me and Gary vary in weight. We go up and down by the week.

"Gary and the boys were at my house in LA last week when Gary turns to me and says, 'I won't be needing these clothes soon, do you want them?' – 'cos he's going on a diet.

"That was the day I thought, 'Right, if you're eating a lettuce, I'm eating half a lettuce.'

"There is now a serious game on to see who can get the thinnest for the tour.

"You know The Machinist with Christian Bale? I'm going for Christian Bale."

The lads have been stuffing their chops with all sorts of grub during their break since Christmas.

But they each have a personal trainer, and a nutritionist called Jasmine, working with them every day until the tour starts. Their bet only started a week ago so there's a long road ahead before the party kegs are replaced with six-packs.

It's not the first time the lads have had to shape up and get fit to go on the road.

Robbie is a self-confessed muncher of cake and crisps and has been put on "ninja food" loads of times over the years.

The rest of the band don't have to worry – there's more meat on a butcher's pencil than on MARK OWEN, HOWARD DONALD and JASON ORANGE put together.

Take That have challenged each other with dares before.

In the 90s they used to keep a tally of their groupie conquests.

It's not as much fun with only Orange juice on offer to the groupies now.

Источник: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/3482839/Robbie-Williams-and-Gary-Barlow-in-diet-wager.html

Категория: Take That (1991-1996) | Добавил: Pooh (22.03.2011)
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