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Robbie Williams `taking secret darts lessons` for Take That tournament
Robbie Williams is reportedly honing his darts skills in secret in a bid to beat the rest of Take That in a band tournament.

The 37-year-old singer is said to have enlisted the help of 15-time World Champion Phil 'The Power' Taylor to help him brush-up on his pub-javelin throwing and make sure that he nails it.

Robbie, Gary Barlow, Mark Owen, Howard Donald and Jason Orange will all go head-to-head in the competition, which will be played in their spare time as they tour the UK.

Phil told The Mirror that he has been visiting Robbie at his Los Angeles mansion, and that he will also be helping him during the tour.

'I'll go and see Robbie at some stage on the tour to check on his progress,' said Phil. 'If I think he's losing bits of his game, I'll get him back on track.'

Источник: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/news/article_1628346.php/Robbie-Williams-taking-secret-darts-lessons-for-Take-T

Категория: Robbie Williams | Добавил: Pooh (24.03.2011)
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