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Главная » Статьи » Robbie Williams

Robbie's Greatest Grey
ROBBIE WILLIAMS has a kickabout and reveals a dark secret - he's going grey.

And that wasn't the only sign the years have taken their toll as the silver-haired star, 37, played a game of footie.

In his tight kit, it looked like Rob had piled on a few pounds since October - when he announced he would be touring again with TAKE THAT, whose hits include The Greatest Day.

The singer - whose solo songs include Old Before I Die - had a fag during the friendly near his US home in Los Angeles.

He has struggled with weight before, blaming it on a hormonal imbalance.

Let's hope the footie gets him in better shape before the tour kicks off in May.

Источник: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/3445552/Tubby-Robbie-Williams-grey-hair.html

Категория: Robbie Williams | Добавил: Pooh (04.03.2011)
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