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Take That (1991-1996) [7]
Информация от Take That c основания группы в 1991 до ее распада в 1996 году
Jason Orange [3]
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Take That (с 2006) [28]
Информация о группе Take That после их воссоединения в 2006 году
Robbie Williams [23]
Все о Робби Уильямсе
Gary Barlow [8]
Все о Гари Барлоу
Mark Owen [3]
Все о Марке Оуэне
Howard Donald [3]
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TAKE THAT are taking their get fit regime as seriously as CHARLIE SHEEN treats winning.

The boys, GARY BARLOW, ROBBIE WILLIAMS, MARK OWEN, JASON ORANGE and HOWARD DONALD have hired a 24/7 chef to cook for them on their Progress Tour.

It sounds like a rock 'n' roll request but it isn't for fine dining - it's just metrosexual calorie counting.

Jason admitted: "We've got our own chef for the first time. They will be catering just for us on tour." Robbie joked: "Yeah, it's Howard. He can do a good turn in the kitchen."

The last time Take That were on tour, I had a foot-long hot dog in hospitality after PETER KAY ate all the potato wedges.

There will be none of that for the lads now. Just fancy Cup a Soups. Robbie has been sounding off about the Progress Tour stadium shows, saying they're the best ever.

On an American TV show, he said the stage show - complete with acrobatics, pyrotechnics and special effects - is so good, people would pay to go even if the band weren't playing.

Topping the massive elephant at 2009's Circus Live shows will take some doing.

Celeb ticket blagging for the gigs has also well and truly kicked off.

Tight-fisted stars have been begging the band members, managers and shoe cleaners for VIP tickets instead of queuing in line and stumping up the full whack.

It's a headache EAST 17 can only dream of.

Источник: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/3539179/Take-That-hire-chef-to-stay-fit.html

Категория: Take That (с 2006) | Добавил: Pooh (21.04.2011)
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