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Главная » Статьи » Gary Barlow

Gary had a little patience...
GARY BARLOW has revealed he spent seven years without singing in public during the dark times following the TAKE THAT split.

The singer had a promising start to his solo career after the lads parted company in 1996 but new material failed to take off in 1999.

Gary then became so low he could only air his pipes in the studio.

He said: "I never saw myself being back on stage again. Now I can look back and see just how bad things were.

"I realised I had spent seven years where I never sang at all, until I got back with the lads.

"Well, I'd sing in the studio, but never outside. I thought I was done and abandoned."

Gary - who is starting a record-breaking stadium tour of the UK with the man band later this month - was convinced nobody would ever want to see him perform again.

He said: "The reason I hadn't thought about going back on stage was that there was no possibility of people wanting me back up there.

"It was horrible the way it ended. Nobody wants any involvement in you whatsoever."

But Gary is convinced the boys won't make the same mistakes again. He said: "We are a happy band this time and we have lived a bit.

"I think it takes the seriousness out of music this time - every day is special for us."

Just as long as they don't cover themselves in jelly again...

Источник: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/music/3560416/Gary-Barlows-public-singing-drought.html

Категория: Gary Barlow | Добавил: Pooh (03.05.2011)
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