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Робби продает свой дом в Америке
It's all-white for 12m ... Robbie's new gaff Alec Byrne Syndication By GORDON SMART Bizarre Editor Published: Today ROBBIE WILLIAMS is defying the credit crunch by buying a 12million pad. The seven-bedroom mansion is on a star-studded estate in Los Angeles. And Robbie, 34, who has lived in America since 2002, is moving in with his actress girlfriend AYDA FIELD, 29. The ex-Take That star signed the contract for the property this week. Neighbours will include ROD STEWART, DENZEL WASHINGTON, EDDIE MURPHY and SYLVESTER STALLONE. See more pics of the stunning mansion source said: “Robbie has been looking for a new house for a while. He knew the area he liked and decided it was time to start afresh with Ayda. “They had a spell where he was reluctant to settle down but he wants to show her he is serious by moving into a new place together properly.” Robbie bought the home in Beverly Park Estate, the most expensive gated community in California, from Italian actress and ex-Bond girl LUCIANA PALUZZI, 71. He made a series of visits to sample the stunning views over LA. The Mediterranean-style house sits on almost two acres and has seven bathrooms, a guest house, separate staff quarters and a huge terrace. It also boasts fountains, a pool, spa, and grand two-storey entrance. Robbie also owns flats in Chelsea, West London. Last night his spokesman declined to comment.

Источник: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article1795914.ece
Категория: Robbie Williams | Добавил: Pooh (11.10.2008)
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