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Главная » Статьи » Robbie Williams

Робби Уильямс расстался со своей девушкой - Айдой Филд
Robbie Williams is rumoured to have split from his girlfriend, Ayda Field, to concentrate on his music career.

The former Take That singer has broken up with American television actress Ayda, according to reports in the Daily Mirror.

A source told the newspaper: "Robbie is absolutely gutted the relationship has ended. He thought Ayda was his soulmate, and the most beautiful woman he has ever met, so he was desperate for it to work.

"Unfortunately the timing was not right for them, and after being on-off for a while they've finally decided to call it quits.

"They are still very good friends though and she was the only girlfriend his close-knit circle in LA actually accepted and genuinely liked.

"But Robbie is dead serious about his music, it's his number one focus. He's in the recording studio 24/7 working on his best tracks yet."

According to another insider 34-year-old Robbie is not interested in getting into a new relationship for a while.

"He won't even entertain the idea of dating someone else so soon after Ayda as he has so much respect for her.

"He doesn't want a new relationship to distract his work now," the insider told the Mirror.

Источник: http://entertainment.uk.msn.com/music/news/Article.aspx?cp-documentid=9635267

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