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Главная » Статьи » Robbie Williams

Робби любит немецкую музыку
Frankfurt (pts/21.08.2008/15:00) - That Robbie Williams had the common touch with the Germans is no secret over here anymore at least since his sold out stadiums and some antics with some german groupies. But that Mr. Williams yet loves german-speaking music, as a british newspaper referred, might be even news for us. "If I fancy something different, I check out music of the 'Toten Hosen' or 'JP Dinardo'. I don't understand one single word of it, but the energy and power they convey are simply great. Just music with balls. Maybe I will record a german album some time. Who knows. 'Yeah, darling, you make love with me, at the Berlin Wall, all night long' - or something like that. Wouldn't that be great?" The Mannheim located singer and songwriter JP Dinardo of course goes for the idea and is happy to please the private life of Robbie Williams. "It's an honour and a pleasure that Robbie Williams likes my music, although he doesn't understand the german language. That hugely increases my belief in my music." Those who don't know yet the gentleman of New Pop should check his myspace site http://www.myspace.com/jpdinardo and should listen to his new album "Tryptofantastico!" which will be worldwide released in autumn 2008.

Источник: http://www.pressetext.com/pte.mc?pte=080821029
Категория: Robbie Williams | Добавил: Pooh (29.08.2008)
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