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Take That (1991-1996) [7]
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Take That (с 2006) [28]
Информация о группе Take That после их воссоединения в 2006 году
Robbie Williams [23]
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Gary Barlow [8]
Все о Гари Барлоу
Mark Owen [3]
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Главная » Статьи » Gary Barlow

Планы Гари
GARY BARLOW has confessed he is terrified of flying – on the same plane as other famous people. The TAKE THAT supremo is worried he will miss out on the front page of The Sun if he isn’t the biggest name in a plane crash. Gaz had the dark thought while snuggling up to DAVID BECKHAM, GORDON RAMSAY and CHRIS MOYLES in the Upper Class deck of a Virgin flight from LA to London. I bumped into Gaz in West London and he joked: “I could just see how that would be written, ‘football star and top chef in plane crash’. Then in the last paragraph, ‘pop singer Gary Barlow was also on the plane’.” Gaz was over in LA putting the finishing touches to the new Take That album with bandmates JASON ORANGE, HOWARD DONALD and MARK OWEN. The first single is called Greatest Day and will be warming the ears of the nation for the first time at 8.15am on Monday across all radio stations. Gaz will also introduce the new song, which hits shops on November 24, on Moyles’ Radio 1 breakfast show. Since his return Gary has been grafting with comedian PETER KAY on a track for his spoof talent show Britain’s Got The Pop Factor...And Possibly A New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly On Ice. Or BGTPFAPANCJCSSSOI for, er, short. In the one-off show that airs on C4 at 8pm on Sunday, Peter stars as singer Geraldine, a contestant with a secret — she used to be a bloke called Gerry. Gary told me working with Peter was as much fun for his two kids as it was for him. He explained: “He came round to my studio to work at the house recording the song. “He had my kids doing the Amarillo dance, marching around the room in fits of giggles. His new show is brilliant, so funny.” The winner of Sunday’s spoof will release a single on Monday, going head-to-head with last year’s X Factor winner LEON JACKSON.

Источник: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article1790280.ece
Категория: Gary Barlow | Добавил: Pooh (11.10.2008)
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