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Главная » Статьи » Gary Barlow

Interview by Rachael Wright, Red Magazine, July 2007
The last …

… time you laughed?

Yesterday. I was putting my daughter (Emily, four) to bed and she was in a sulk. She said, ‘Daddy, I’m sad.’ When I asked her why, she said, ‘Because you’re going out’. It just tickled me.

… time you cried?

This is embarrassing, but it was six weeks ago at The Lion King musical. It was the bit where the dad dies; it never fails to get me!

… time you felt guilty?

Last night, when I was putting Emily to bed. It was funny, but I also felt guilty that I’d made my little girl sad because I was going out. Anything like that makes me feel guilty; if I miss football practice [Gary also has a son, Daniel, six], or something else the kids are doing, because of work.

… time you were hungover?

A couple of weeks ago, when were doing a promotion in Japan and Australia. It was our very last night in Sydney and I was absolutely leathered! We had a long flight the next day and were looking forward to getting home, but we had to be up really early to do Sunrise [and Australian version of GMTV] before we left, and I think the presenters could smell the gin on me! Sometimes, still being drunk is the only way to get through those things.

… time you couldn’t sleep?

We were in Japan and Australia for 16 days and I didn’t get one decent night’s sleep the whole time. None of us did. I’d go to bed at 11pm, sleep until 1am and then lie awake until 6am. We didn’t get to grips with the time zones.

… time you had an argument?

That would be last October, with my mum. I’m really laid-back and I can get on with just about anybody, so I very rarely argue. The only person who knows how to get to me is my mum. We were planning a holiday over Christmas and she wanted to bring people and I didn’t want her to. I wouldn’t say I was shouting exactly, but it was annoying. Ooh, she’s a beggar …

… time you exercised?

Yesterday. I go to the gym two or three times a week and I go running, too. I don’t like any of it! If I had my way, I’d sit in a chair all day and do nothing. I exercise to keep my weight down, but I also do it to keep fit and have a healthy heart. I’d like to lose weight – half a stone and I’d be happy. I’ve got a belly; I got to 30 and it was like someone flicked a switch!

… time you ate something really unhealthy?

Last night, when I went out for dinner with friends. I was doing really well until the desserts came and then I had half a cheesecake. Not half a whole cake – half a slice, I mean! Although I could quite happily eat half a cheesecake. Desserts are my weakness.

… time you had a dance?

The other week, in the kitchen with the kids. I was showing them some moves, where were a cross between Superman and Lizzie the fitness instructor, who used to be on TV-AM. They found it very amusing …

… time you went on a shopping spree?

I don’t do it very often, maybe twice a year. When you’re doing photoshoots, you tend to accrue things; a shirt here, a jacket there.

… time you spoke to your mum?

Yesterday. We’ll talk three or four times a week. She gives me the lowdown on what songs she likes. She goes, ‘Ooh, I like these Killers’ She calls them, ‘these’ Killers! Do you know why she does it, though? It’s my cue to buy her the albums. Every now and then she’ll hit me with a song I’m not expecting. She was talking about Paolo Nutini the other week.

… Time you said ‘I love you’?

This morning – the kids again! You’ve caught me in a week when I’m at home and doing the school run.

And your last word is?

Laugh and grow fat. I can’t do the latter, but I would if I wasn’t back on stage.

Категория: Gary Barlow | Добавил: takethat (16.11.2007)
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