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Take That (1991-1996) [7]
Информация от Take That c основания группы в 1991 до ее распада в 1996 году
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Take That (с 2006) [28]
Информация о группе Take That после их воссоединения в 2006 году
Robbie Williams [23]
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Gary Barlow [8]
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Главная » Статьи » Take That (с 2006)

The ennobled boyband
Take That are going to sing for Diana today - on Oct. 26th they will perform live in Vienna - presented by "Krone".

Today Diana would be very pleased. The boyband, who made so many teenagers scream years ago, was among her absolute favourites: Take That. This evening they are playing for the "Queen of hearts" at the "Concert for Diana". And they will be ennobled royally. The princes William and Harry will get on stage with them - and the two princes shall sing a song for their mother together with Take That.

But so much royal honour wouldn't be necessary. After a lot of years out of the limelight Take That are still the royal elite among boybands. The left the scene at the right time and the came back at the right moment. Years ago it was all about breaking girls' hearts, nowadays almost all of them are fathers and they want to express themselves musically. "When we performed 15 years ago, it was brilliant. We really showed off. It was a little bit ostentatious: Look at us, we are big popstars! We did everything to make the girls scream.", Jason remembers. "Nowadays the relationship with the audience is much more honest." They are still giving everthing to wow the fans. "Of course we don't look like 10 years ago anymore.", Gary laughs. "When we get off the stage totally exhausted, it was a good show for us."


Категория: Take That (с 2006) | Добавил: takethat (16.11.2007)
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